When I was younger I was an avid traveler. Sites, tastes, scents, sounds, touch, intution & memory.
Rather than organize these by location or chronologically, or simply share obvious tourist moments,
I ask you to look & intuit where these places are through visual indications. Some are obvious, many are not…
Most of these photographs were taken in or near the following cities (in alphabetical order):
Agra, Amsterdam, Angkor Wat, Bangkok, Banteay Srei, Beijing, Cairo, Copenhagen, Delhi, Hanoi,
Havana, Ho Chi Min City, Jaipur, Kathmandu, Kyoto, Prague, Rome & Tokyo.
What do these moments feel like? What adjectives express the visceral visuality you see?
What do these images make you think, feel, intuit, etc…? Where was I
…and where do these images take you?
“Everything has beauty in it, but not everyone sees it.” (Confucius)